What Makes a Good Leader?

We all question often about the qualities and traits of what makes a good leader- and the answer always varies from person to person. We all know that leaders are born, not taught, but you can always try to incorporate the best qualities in yourself to become a better example in terms of leadership.

Following are some traits that differentiate a good leader from a bad leader taken from the Women in Leadership Development Program in Melbourne.

  1. Strategic Thinking
    Strategic Thinking skills are one of the most important skills of a good leader. This is because it distinguishes the leader from managers; because they are able to calculate the risks of a step, think about possible solutions for a problem, and plan long-term. Leaders should always have a vision which they would be able to communicate to their followers to bring it into action.
  2. Planning Ability
    Parallel to organizing skills, it is also important for a good leader to be good and efficient in planning as well. This is because a good plan is the first step towards the success of a company, and leaders who do not have project management or planning skills might face a lot of trouble if they do not have a layout in their mind. Apart from this, developing a plan is only the first step, executing it and maintain good results is also part of a good leader’s job description. With a positive approach and attitude towards problems, a lot of serious complications can be avoided and planning beforehand is the key to achieving your goals on time.
  3. Public Relations
    Good leaders are excellent communicators; without a doubt. This is because handling people and their problems from time to time can be pretty stressful, and sometimes, it can make you lose empathy. It is important for a good leader to handle the relations among people and the public to build and manage the unity of a team. Telling someone about their mistakes straight out or refusing a company for a deal directly is not a good way. Your subordinates are always watching you which is why you need to develop good people management skills in a Leadership Management Courses & Development Programs in Melbourne.
  4. Innovation and Management
    Innovation and creativity are a very important characteristic of a good leader; skills which can be learned through an Executive & Corporate Leadership Training Program in Melbourne. This is because change is always a necessity to the success of a company; without it, the company will stay behind in their old way. A leader needs to understand the importance of change in order to lead an organisation efficiently.
  5. Communication Skills
    Communication skills are engraved in the core of a good leader. This is because a leader has the responsibility of keeping up with everyone’s demands, problems and requirements at all times. Interpersonal skills are also included in this category so that leaders develop a strong connection with their subordinates. It is important to listen closely to your peers and give constructive feedback which will help them grow professionally. Communication is the key to a successful business, and if the leader does not have it, it might become a problem for the business.
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